Laura Green is a Certified Holistic Wellness and Life Coach.
My Story
My health was a mess, I was in pain every day and something had to change. 

It was time to take ownership and enjoy my life! 

Not only did I learn to work with my body, eating what makes me feel good and leaving behind the things that don’t in order to live pain free. 
I also learned to allow space without judgment to embrace my emotions without shutting them off or ignoring them. 
However, the most important thing was realizing that I am a powerful person and what makes up the very essence of who I am matters to the people around me. 
Listening to my inner voice means getting to understand the purpose of why I am alive today.
I am the only person that gets to live my life and I want to do this focused on enjoying every single day while looking at the future full of hope.
I now have self confidence to chase my dreams and this means I get to be a cheerleader to the voiceless! 
To empower women who were just like me, who stopped listening to their voice, to take ownership and rise up to become their powerful, authentic self. 
To experience their life, the one they were created to enjoy with an abundance of joy and freedom.
Read My Entire Story
As a child, I learned that navigating everything that made up who I was going to be, things like feelings, opinions, dreams, ideas, beliefs, and my rather zealous personality was met with less than enthusiasm.
I found out rather quickly that instead of making plans to change the world and be the next superhero, I needed to listen and do exactly what I was told to do, no questions asked.
The most important thing to do was to make the people around me happy, or at least not mad at me, and that came with obedience. 
I stuffed my emotions down, I followed the rules, and never gave my emotions or thoughts a voice. 
I could not actually tell you my own thoughts, because I didn’t feel like they were allowed. 
This wasn’t because I didn’t have people in my life that loved me, but because I made a decision to shut down and turn off my inner voice. 
This also showed up in my body with stomach aches every single day.
My health was a mess and I even had my gallbladder and appendix removed. I finally had enough, I was in pain every day and something had to change.
It was time to take ownership and enjoy my life! 

Not only did I learn to work with my body, eating what makes me feel good and leaving behind the things that don’t in order to live pain free. 
I also learned to allow space without judgment to embrace my emotions without shutting them off or ignoring them. 
However, the most important thing was realizing that I am a powerful person and what makes up the very essence of who I am matters to the people around me. 
Listening to my inner voice means getting to understand the purpose of why I am alive today.
I am the only person that gets to live my life and I want to do this focused on enjoying every single day while looking at the future full of hope.
I now have self confidence to chase my dreams and this means I get to be a cheerleader to the voiceless! 
To empower women who were just like me, who stopped listening to their voice, to take ownership and rise up to become their powerful, authentic self. 
To experience their life, the one they were created to enjoy with an abundance of joy and freedom.

Things that I LOVE.

My husband.  Jordan and I are celebrating 19 years of marriage this summer (2024). There has been plenty of hard times, but more importantly times of sucess and celebration together.  First, we are friends and second we are business partners (in J&L Green Farm) and we love keeping it that way.  Friendship is the foundation that holds our marriage together.  He is an important part of my life and I would want nothing different.

3 kids.  I have three wonderful children that I love uniquely for who they are.  Justin is the oldest, followed by our daughter Allie in the middle, and Wyatt is our youngest son.  They keep me moving forward.  There's nothing like motherhood that brings out what we have inside of us and sometimes it's not always pretty.   Though hard in the moment, I am thankful for the oppurtunity and the challenges being a mother has brought so that I can face my fears, move my hurts/wounds out of the way and live freely and in turn giving my kids the ability to grow up in this freedom as well.

Pictures of me and my family!

Our Farm Business
J&L Green Farm is a pasture based meat and egg business that my husband and I started in 2009.  We built this business from the ground up.  It's been a huge part of my life over the past 15 years and has taught me a lot about not just managing a household but also starting, building, and maintaining a business.  I have had to learn skills in marketing, sales, time management, teaching, business strategies, and the list goes on and on.  If you want to learn more about what our farm is about visit the website at

Fun things that brings a smile to my face!

DAGA68EgIK0Deep Meaningful Friendships
DAGA68EgIK0Morning Coffee
Bright and Happy Colors
Texas Sunsets
Good Food

Alright, no more stalking.  Let's talk soon and make a connection! 


Copyright Laura Green