Friend, let's get this changed for you!

First and foremost, this is

You matter.
You are enough.
You are important.

 But the change will also affect your kids.

The example you set now is what your kids will know, see and copy.
In what footsteps do you want them to follow?

Imagine experiencing your world full of inner peace, having yourself as your best friend, and feeling the joy of walking every day in bold confidence.

You are an amazing mom who loves on your husband and kids well!
But can we be real for a second? Turning that
same love towards yourself
is not a skill you have been taught or worked on
...YET. πŸ’›

If you are ready, this can change!
Your peace has been stolen for long enough
It's time to take action and take back what is rightfully yours
Have you noticed...
things that your kids do or say that make you wonder?
They might say something about being too busy for fun, question if they look fat, or criticize themselves for tiny mistakes.

What we do is caught, not taught.

This can be such a beautiful thing when we walk in the way we want them to go.

Change Starts with You!
If you don't do this now....

You say YES to fear and doubt.
You say NO to peace and confidence.
You waste another day of leading by example.

How much more time do you want to let pass before inner peace and bold confidence are realized?

Time Zone
What can I expect from BOLD BRAVE STRONG?
A personalized one-on-one coaching program that uncovers the BOLD BRAVE STRONG WOMAN that you truly are!

Imagine what you get to do living in this new-found freedom!

You get to...
Explore who you are truly meant to be
Experience joy in your everyday life 
Become full of confident hope for the future
Feel excited about possibilities because you are unstoppable

I invite you to come journey with me.  Let me be your personal cheerleader in pursuance of breaking free, so you can live to your fullest potential. Let’s clear away the box you have been put in by others (or yourself!) and exchange it for true freedom!

What is your approach?

Instead of working harder, together we will identify the problem, find the root and pull it out.

The UNWANTED fear and self-doubt will fade away
like an undesired weed in the garden.

Friend, I've been there and it's just plain out annoying
to live in a box that others (or you) put you in.

It's time to step up to the plate and make the changes needed to take back your PEACE & CONFIDENCE!

We are talking about the rest of your life here!
Do you really want to stay stuck?
​Do I have to live in the same state as you?
No, all one-on-one coaching is done by online video sessions. After you complete signing up, we create a schedule together for all 6 sessions ahead of time. Of course, if something comes up and we need to move a session, I just ask for a 24-hour notice. I am a mom and business owner myself, and understand that sometimes emergencies happen.
I work a full time job, what is your availablity?
I offer a wide variety of session times.  Morning, afternoon, evening, weekdays and weekends.  I have a flexible schedule and believe that we can find the perfect fit to schedule your one-on-one coaching sessions without a problem!
I'm still unsure.
I would LOVE the opportunity to say hello and have a chat, even if you're unsure!  Taking this first step by signing up for the Road to Discovery Call is the perfect place to become clear if BRAVE BOLD STRONG is the perfect fit for you (and me). This 45-minute chat is free with no strings attached.
What happens after I sign-up for my FREE chat?
After you sign up for your FREE Road to Confidence Call, you will...

πŸ‘‰ Be contacted by me within 24 hours
πŸ‘‰ Be scheduled for your 45-minute FREE call
πŸ‘‰ Join your video call by email link
πŸ‘‰ Enjoy space & time to talk about YOU
πŸ‘‰ Have any questions answered
πŸ‘‰ Discover if this program is a perfect fit for you.

More about Laura
My name is Laura Green, and I am a Certified Holistic Wellness & Life Coach.

As a child, I learned that being true to myself was often met with resistance. I realized I needed to prioritize pleasing others over following my dreams, which led to suppressing my emotions and ignoring my inner voice. This took a toll on my health, resulting in frequent stomach aches and surgeries. Eventually, I reached a breaking point and decided to take ownership of my life and my voice. I began listening to my body, making choices that supported my well-being. I also learned to embrace my emotions without judgment and recognize my own worth. Through this journey, I discovered the power of authenticity and the importance of living each day with hope and purpose. Today, my life's work is to help other women do the same. I look forward to talking with you!
What others are saying...
β€œIt’s been a world of difference since being coached by Laura. I found that I learned to love myself, improve my inner processing skills, how to handle things with grace and see things in a different light.  It made a huge difference in my relationship with my kids and was a very healing process.  I am 100% satisfied from the time we worked together.  I got more than what I was expecting to get out of it. I am glad I did it.”
- Stephanie

I was able to go from feeling overwhelmed, stuck, and inadequate to feeling peace, progress, and confidence in myself!  The one on one coaching gave me great building blocks to be able to keep moving forward and build on my new found self-worth. - Amy from Minnesota

Things have become much clearer for me since working with you.  When we started working together, our focus was on a singular issue that I've dealt with all of my life, but through our sessions, the underlying thought patterns and limiting beliefs I had held for so long came to the surface. I ended up finding freedom from more than just one issue, but many issues, learning how to live life with mindfulness and self-trust that I didn't have in my life before. Today, I am experiencing peace and freedom that I didn't know to be possible and am looking forward to growing even more in the weeks and years to come. - Katie from Virginia

By going through the program I learned how to use different tools to manage my negative thoughts and find the root of those negative thoughts. Now I am able to be gracious to myself, encourage myself and not be so easily bothered by my own thoughts because usually there's an underlying reason behind them. I also learned to create realistic goals for my day so as to actually be proud of my accomplishments rather than only think of the challenges of my day.

When I first heard what I should expect from the coaching program I thought that it was a pie in the sky great idea or concept, but honestly I didn't think it would be a reality.  But what you said would happen is exactly what happened and I love my daily peace and confidence that I get to live in every day! - Holly from Virginia

Money Back Guarantee
If you aren't completely satisfied after our first coaching session together,  you may request to cancel and receive 100% money back.